Monday, July 9, 2012

People always say things like "was that in a movie?. "Is that a quote from a movie?". But what is a movie? Technically, it's just something someone filmed. It doesn't have to have a huge budget and big name actors and caterers and boom operators and special effects guys and foley artists. I could just take my digital camera and film my foot for an hour and a half and that would be a movie. No one would even have to watch it. I wouldn't even watch it. But it would still exist as a movie. But if like Andy Warhol had made it then people might even be interested in watching it. Apart from the fact that he's dead. It'd play at Sundance or whatever. And people would actually go see it. They'd decide to go out and see it like that'd be a good thing to do. And If their friends asked the next day what they did last night, they'd have to say they saw a movie. And they may even have a discussion and try to figure out what it meant. I just filmed my freakin foot!